Allgemein Weltverbesserung

Who was Wendy?

I didn’t know,
I just forgot,
as I met him next KLO.
I was awake,
but slept also,
was little bit confused.
I didn’t get,
that it was him,
although he was so slim.
So slim like Wendy ever was,
like every Wiener-Wurst.

The situation brought to mind,
that there is Wurst in art.
It ranges from Blutwurst-Beuys to Roth
who made a Spiegel-Wurst
and leads to mortadella-carpetshop
in the Sausage Series of Fischli & Weiss.

But if you have enough WURST, Wendy, let’s take a BURGER, but be a dany!

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