Fotografie Kunst

Teen image, hoarding & the ritualized unknowing

Interessanter Artikel von Seth Price über den Einfluss des Internets auf unseren Umgang mit Bildern:

„Something increasingly popular in the last few years: the representation of books through dispassionately photographed spreads, often with the surface on which they rest peeking around the edges. An almost clinical approach to a historical overview, one used by this feature itself. A little precious, maybe, but a natural reaction to what has happened to images in the last 15 years: a conscious choice not to use scanners and a striving to represent the book as object, rather than one more brief stop for images on their way from one place to another. It does make it hard to read the text and enjoy the pictures, which is an interesting wrinkle, until it gets over-used. This is from “The Purple Anthology,” 2008.“ (…)

Art Fag City, IMG MGMT: Teen Image