
Verlage fordern DRM für Texte

Ars Technica über die von europäischen Verlagen initiierte Hamburger Erklärung zum Schutz des geistigen Eigentums und die darin geforderte Einführung des APAC Protocols:

What sets this declaration apart from the other Hamburg declarations out there, or from the various Geneva declarations or Berlin declarations, is that this one is intended to give the publishers‘ favorite solution to the news-stealing problem, the Automated Content Access Protocol, the force of law. […]

ACAP can describe restrictions on the number of words that third parties are permitted to display in a text snippet, prohibit annotations like user ratings or tags, prohibit conversion to alternate formats like PDF, limit the use of typographical style and formatting changes, restrict translation, insist that the content can only be displayed in a frame that replicates the exact conditions of the original source, or impose a number of other equally bizarre requirements. link