
Internet anno 1934

Szene aus dem Dokumentarfilm „The Man Who Wanted to Classify the World“

Wer hats erfunden? Die Belgier….!

„[…] In 1934, Paul Otlet sketched out plans for a global network of computers (or “electric telescopes,” as he called them) that would allow people to search and browse through millions of interlinked documents, images, audio and video files. He described how people would use the devices to send messages to one another, share files and even congregate in online social networks. He called the whole thing a “réseau,” which might be translated as “network” — or arguably, “web.” […] “ 

aus „The Web Time Forgot“, NY Times, 17.06.08


2 Antworten auf „Internet anno 1934“

das ist der beweis! die belgier sind tatsächlich das böse auf erden.

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